Fight on

Its Saturday but last night I stayed up till gone midnight to see if my blood results got posted. The answer is partially. To my disappointment only one set of results are posted. The missing set contain the PSA result which is the crucial one. The ones that I have got are not brilliant but then again I had a crap cold when I gave the bloods, so perhaps the less than good results are to be expected.

Not the best partial set I’ve ever had. I ‘m hoping it was due t my cold.

So I crawl off to bed at 1am feeling less than gruntled. I sleep irritably and wake again at 8 o’clock the following morning. So Saturday starts with coffee and a lay in while my partner and chat and plan the day. My partner makes me a bacon sandwich and we both have a morning of tidying the house and getting our environment in order. By the end of the morning all our washing is done and our clothes are away. Beds are changed and the cars have full washer tanks and one has a new rear wiper. Having sorted the house we drive to our local garden center and top up our shopping. On the way back we drop in on another garden center and indulge in scones and coffee.

During all this I’ve been wrestling with one of my laptops which refuses to start up. My afternoon is taken up with watching a rugby semi final and keeping an eye on a laptop screen that occasionally changed which hue of blue it felt like. I slide into the evening and also into the Eurovision song contest. It is a tour de force of techno modern noisy irrelevance but in some respects fascinating. Its going to be a long evening mostly because I know I will not go to bed until I know whether the rest of my blood results are in or not. It is rumored that tomorrow may be sunny, if true I shall be in my garden trying to impose some sort of order on my rapidly developing jungle.

On step at a time.