Fight on

Tuesday and I wake up in the spare bed as part of managing my cold. I’m up at 8 o’clock and breakfasting as Tesco are booked for this morning. I take root on the sofa feeling decidedly grotty and settlle down to read my latest book that was prompted by Sophie’s World. Its David J. Chalmers book The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Functional Theory. Its a fascinating but hard read. Its one of those books that you have to pay attention to, but then philosophy books are like that.

This is definitely a book that is going to take a while. A friend recommended small bites and perhaps a lay down afterwards. I have to say it is a fascinating issue and one that chimes in with my old psychological and therapy life. It is also pertinent to some of my thinking about where I am at the moment. A sort of sorting out what are priorities and what can be jettisoned. This morning there are timely diversions from the heavy stuff like a Tesco delivery and the post also arrives. There is a Tesco flurry of unloading and squirreling and the excitement of unwrapping the Blackburn Hawks ice hockey jersey. Yes I know I said I would not get any more but this was a snip and I liked this one as soon as I saw it.

Kewel, I like this.

Lunchtime rocks around and I discover I have not printed off tonight’s concert tickets. My partner and I are going to hear Rachmaninov’s Piano concerto No.2, the really difficult one that is pretty dynamic, followed by Scheherazade. It should be a great concert. Post lunch my partner goes to the gym and I retreat to the sofa to draft the blog and to contemplate a short burst on the rower. Suddenly there is a thunderstorm and hail! So this is Spring?


The evening is spectacular. The concert is just brilliant. I am still awestruck by what happens when an orchestra plays. I listen to most of the concert with my eyes closed, and let it flow through me. I remind myself that it is always worth the effort to go to live music. What an evening. I get home with my partner and watch the last ten minutes of the first leg of the European cup, a pleasing away draw for Manchester City. I draft the blog, take my night meds and go to bed totally spoonless with my phone and book hoping for a calm night with as much sleep as I can muster.