Fight on

Thursday arrives after a good nights sleep. After a quick comfort break I am back reading Sophie’s World, the chapter on Hume. By 10:30 I think its time to get up and prepare myself a muesli breakfast during which I check my messages and mail. My solicitor has contacted me and I need to make some decisions about the recent party wall issue. I sip my coffee and reflect before setting up the blog for the day.

I then spend the morning up to my eyes with death admin. I to and fro with the solicitor and then do the same with a surveyor. I now have three files related to my sister. The bureaucracy of death is growing ever complex. I also take the plunge and contact the funeral director about my sisters ashes. The up shot of this is that they are going to be sent to me. Death by post, that’s a new one to me. So this is how I make my way to lunch time and the walk to the polling station with my partner and eldest daughter. Its a real dilemma as the only candidates are either conservative or liberal democrats. Of course the conservatives are non starters which leaves the other lot. There are no Labour, Green or credible independent available so its down to tactical voting. This of course is my fault, as it is everybody else’s who leaves the local politics to others. This is the reaping of what my inactivity has sown. I return home to a smoothie lunch and as I am preparing this treat I put my washing in the machine. The machine then plays tricks with me in that the softener compartment of the powder dispenser empties itself before the machine starts its cycle. I get the machine going and then, smoothie in hand search the internet for a replacement powder dispenser. I have just finished ordering the replacement when a friend rings on her journey to the vets. We chat for a while and catch up with how we both are and the immediate issues we face. Its good to her from her and although there are hurdles facing her there is progress.

By the time I have faffed about a bit it is time to hang my washing out and get changed to train. So while my smalls and other garments flap in the breeze I get ready to train. In the garage I get on board the rower, set the controls for an hour and get underway. It is not a time of reflection or thought, in fact there is not even much fantasy. I childishly watch the numbers click by as I row towards certain combinations of numbers until the later stages when I am making the effort to reach distance, stroke and calorie goals. Although I started slow today I burnt 800+ calories and rowed over 12 kilometres. By the end I was pretty much spent however I need to keep this going over the coronation weekend and beyond.

Yep this was better than anticipated.
Not at my prettiest by the end of the session.

The training gear is dumped in the laundry and I flop on the sofa to record the session in my food and exercise journal and then I draft the blog as I rest and recover after the session. I intend a gentle evening. Tuna Pasta, Dalgleish and Mock the Week followed by night meds, moisturising and oblivion. Perfect.

But Spring is following close behind.