Fight on

Friday, seems an age ago, only it was yesterday. There are two things that stand out, training and a meal out. These were both delightful except that they were preceded by my monthly injection and an additional B12 jab. So by the time I was ready to train my gut was sore and I was taking paracetamol to ease the pain. Ditto the evening meal. There was also a nasty surprise in the redirected mail from my deceased sisters house. The neighbours have signalled their intent to extend their property and it affects the partitioning wall, so there is going to be a lot of jiggery pokey and legal argie bargie before it is resolved. The last thing I want is our estate agent trying to sell the house while next door is a building site that threatens to overlook part of the property. There were trips to the post office to send documents to the solicitor. Oh happy May Bank Holiday.

The training session was my first in six days and an act of defiance really as I felt sore and was determined not to let a full week go by without session. I decided on a gentle hour at a “jogging level”. I strapped in and began to pull into my rhythm. By the end of the session I am trying as I realise I might be able to make the 13 kilometre mark. I do and I am pleased.

13+ Kilometres and 800+ calories.

There is time for me to recover adn shower before driving of to the next village and meet friends for an evening meal. The company is good, the best, with lots of conversation and catching up with what we have been doing. We are in a “gastro” pub and our fellow diners are all around us. The bars of he pub are also open. Having eaten our main courses we take a break to let it go down and continue to chat. By the time we contemplate puddings or coffee we are informed the kitchen is closed and the coffee machine is on its cleaning cycle. Its half past nine o’clock for Christ sake. Last orders bell rings at 10:30 and we are the last people in the pub. I conclude from this that pubs are dying, no longer are they community places, they are no fanciful food outlets who want you to eat, pay and fuck off. We pay and leave saying our farewells in the car park having fixed another date to meet.

Once home I take my meds and more paracetamol and watch tonight’s Have I Got News For You before going off to bed. The day appears to have been fuller than I first remembered when I started todays blog. I’m not sure if this is good or bad or perhaps just inconsequential. However in the day I found time to start Sophie’s World.

An intriguing way to be introduced to philosophy.

Saturday and I wake up after a disturbed night. My foot is giving me gyp so my partner examines it and applies a soothing ointment. We get up for breakfast and I put the evening meal in the crockpot. There is shopping to do so we go to the garden centre and load up with vegetables and bacon. On returning home I do a Tesco order and settle down to watch the women’s international rugby. England romp their match and the Welsh manage to beat the Italians for the first. Its soon time for the evening meal and an evening of film and the excitement of seeing my football team win. This Saturday is a bits and pieces day, a kind of clearing the decks for the days to come. I am marking time till my injection site feels less sore and my foot eases. Sometimes its good to breathe and pay attention to it.

There is spring and light to come.