Fight on

Wednesday, is it to be sofa day or not is my waking thought. As is my growing custom I read for a while before getting up. My partner brings me a coffee and I read a little more. finally I get up and have breakfast and ring Sofology. “Where’s my sofa?” is the gist of my conversation with a nice chap on the help line. He tries to ring the distribution centre but fails to get through. He promises me to ring me back. I put my washing in and go to the Shed to fill my sticker box with newly arrived butterflies. I check the hedgehog canteen, the food remains untouched, I am beginning to fear for my hedgehog. A friend calls and we chat about families, she is on the way to pick up one of her daughters who is vomiting at school, which of course is going to throw the days plans out of kilter. I manage to get my washing out on the line before ringing the Sofology helpline again. This time the woman I talk to gets through to the distribution centre in Doncaster and talks to the woman in charge of deliveries. Good news it’s on its way and the driver will ring my in half an hour with an arrival time. Time to spring into action.

I clear the delivery path in to the house moving pots of daffodils from the door step and move cars around to free up the drive. But the big job is to move the existing furniture out of the way so that the new can be brought in. I and my partner strip the cushions of the sofa and chair and then my eldest daughter and I move the skeletons of the furniture to the hall way. Its a real effort but we got there.

Our sofa hulk moved to the hall way. Already to go now.

We had just about got everything clear when the Sofology van arrives. MY partner goes off to see her mother and so the van can be moved closer to our drive. Before she goes she negotiates the van drivers moving the old suite into the front garden where later is can be dismantled. To my surprise they agree and do this removal first, so my garden takes on a new look.

The old suite awaits deconstruction.

As the delivery guys get to work I make them tea and biscuits. They are very quick and efficient and soon the new items are in place. The new furniture makes a huge difference to the room and of course I cannot resist a test run.

It look just right.
Just so smug as I recline, life can be good.

I set about putting all the things we had moved back in place and hoover around the house. Once everything is back in place its time to get my washing in and to close up the Shed. I also take the time to add the new pond plants that have arrived to the pond. I go down to the chemist to get my outstanding drugs to find they have lost the original prescription and have to dispense my missing drugs from a second prescription that has been issued due to my GP surgery closing for a couple of weeks to train on and switch to a new operating system. I wait over half an hour for them to sort it out and then they still cannot find all the drugs I am due. Its an absolute clusterfuck. I buy chocolate at the village shop and return home. I’ve just about finished all this when my partner returns home to be followed very shortly by our garden guy who is going to dispose of our old furniture for us. He sets to work on the solid frames and is soon borrowing a lump hammer and a power screw driver. Its not long before I am out there with him lending a hand. We manage to get it into its component parts and then he tidies up. By about 7 o’clock we are done and our guest for the evening has arrived. My partner and our guest go out for dinner while I and my eldest daughter order take away and I settle down to watch football on TV. The Indian meal is good and sets me up to recline luxuriously through the football match. Game over I draft the blog with a growing sense of becoming spoonless, I’ve done a lot of physical stuff today and now it is catching up with me.

Spring and profusion is in recovery