Fight on.

Monday and I wake to the family at work in the various nooks and crannies of the house. I read for an hour and then get up for breakfast. I clear the kitchen and then I go to the Shed and settle in for a letter writing session. I write all morning until my partner tempts me out with a bacon sandwich. The post man has been and there is a new book for me from a friend. It is Jostein Gaarder’s Sophie’s World and it looks interesting. So I now have plenty of reading material to keep me going for a while.

My new book, can’t wait.

There is nothing in the post for me about my up coming MRI scan so I ring the hospital and ask if they have a date for me. I am not hopeful and not expecting anything but a kind man tells me I am up on the 8th of May at 10:45. So a result, which pleases me. I return to the Shed and continue to write letters until I have nothing else to say. Rather than close up the Shed I pull out a couple of small of canvas boards that I had worked on years ago inspired by looking out a plane window as we landed in Spain some years ago. I start to complete them using the calligraphy ink that I was given at Christmas. I get so far and decide to leave it to dry. I pack up the Shed and return to the house. A quick trip to the post box and I am back home on the sofa reading. Out of the blue Tesco deliver four hours early. It would seem that life is random as just after that the sofa shop rings to say they cannot deliver tomorrow to which my partner says that can’t do that and they relent and phone back to say they will deliver. However they also say that they will ring tomorrow. It remains to be seen if they do. I check the hedgehog food and find it untouched. This is mildly worrying but I replace the food with a fresh dish. I check my seedlings in the greenhouse and water them and then I have a bit of a chat to them and zip the greenhouse up as tonight is going to be a frost.

My evening see mem eat and then reach the end of series one of Murder in the First. Almost time for bed and meds but first I draft the blog. I’ve not trained today as I just did not feel up to it, hopefully tomorrow I am on form as I am going for coffee with a friend.

In Iron I stand