Fight on

Saturday is a poetry, cooking and eating day. I am up early, breakfasted and then I am busy cooking. I beaver away putting the nights meal into the crockpot, its a chicken Tagine filled with goodies like apricots and olives. I am ready to flick the switch dead on 11 o’clock. Morning cooking over I head for the shower and then get my partner to plait my hair. I drive to the Quaker meeting house where the poetry stanza meets every for months. I am very early and settle in to prepare when a new person arrives and we chat till others arrive. Once the Stanza is assembled we get to work for the next two and half hours we read, read out loud and reflect upon each others work. I think mine was well received and there were some real gems amid the work presented. After the Stanza ends I head for the supermarket and get the remaining ingredients for the evening meal. On arriving home I find the table laid and ready for our guests.

I set to work getting the courses I prepared yesterday ready for serving. I am efficient and effective so with 30 minutes to go before our guests arrive I have a time out on the sofa. Our friends arrive and I swing in to action. We sit and dine on pea and pesto soup, chicken tagine, Bailey’s tiramisu (acclaimed by all as excellent), followed by cheese, coffee and chocolates. Best of all is the conversation between old friends that ranges over all sorts of topics. By midnight we are all flagging and we wave our guests good night. The dishes get stacked but not washed. I down some lemon squash adn go to bed with out taking my meds.

Sunday and I am awake and fresh at 7 o’clock. If this is the way to get a good nights sleep then I shall leave off taking my night meds more often. I head to the kitchen and clear it setting the dishwasher on its way. I return to my partner with tea and we sit and chat for a while. Bacon sandwiches follow and then a trip to see our local ducks. A refreshing walk before an afternoon of watching rugby, emptying the dishwasher and then a drift into the evening with its meal, TV beavers and drugged up Dickens. I can stand no more and take to drafting the blog. I expect I will return to my sensible self and take my night meds tonight. I shall weigh myself tomorrow morning as I did not today suspecting that my indulgence over the last 24 hours has done me no favours.

Oh Universe how diverse