Fight on

Tuesday and I wake up knowing that today I need to get going, to perk myself up and get into a new rhythm as I move towards my May oncology appointment. I get up slowly and have breakfast and then set about getting myself going. I put my washing in and then get into the garden and open up the greenhouse. I spend the morning sewing seeds in the green house and sewing some early lettuces in one of my raised beds. There is also a new bed of cornflowers. It feels good to be getting things growing again. Working in my garden is a good way to wind down and occupies me in a positive way. By lunch time I feel I am making head way. A friend rings me and we talk about how we are and what we are planning for Easter. Its good to share how I am and of course its helpful to share how I am after my sisters funeral. After the call I take some pictures of my efforts in the garden.

Dinner is a mug of tomato soup which I drink while I watch the web caste of my sisters funeral. It is a thoroughly modern phenomenon to be able to watch a funeral replay and one I think is useful. I found watching myself at the funeral reassuring. My contribution to the service was good enough and the presentation of my sisters life was, I thought , well balanced and inclusive. The choice of music worked particularly well with the life presentation and I am glad that we chose Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Spring, as the exit music, it seemed that it was suitably uplifting to send people on their way. The readings also worked and reflected my sisters life. As I finished watching the funeral a friend rang me while on her way to an afternoon tea meeting. We talked about how her holiday had gone and how her husband coped. We compared noted on what we are doing and how we have both coped with recent events.

As I finish the call I become aware that I have had a delivery, namely my latest Arizona Coyotes ice hockey jersey. This is their special reverse colour retro shirt. I gave it to myself as an Easter present. Of course I go and try it on and cannot resist a selfie with it on. I like it.

My new addition to my collection

Time is moving on but I take time out to order a new book to read. Another Catherine North book The End of the Day. I get changed into my training kit but before I can get to the garage the garden guy turns up so there is coffee to be drunk and a chat to be had. I finally get away and get to the garage where I strap into the rower and go for a 45 minute session. Its 6 days since I last trained due to the funeral event and I feel sluggish. Completing the session is the goal and I make it. What is more I make 9 kilometres, the basic I would expect of myself.

A tough session but its got me started.

Before I change out of my sweaty kit I put the bins out for tomorrows collection. I record my session and then eat tea. I am now pretty knackered and settle down to an evening of TV until the family go to bed and I am left to draft the blog. I do my evening meds and add some paracetamol before setting the dishwasher going and going to bed. Tomorrow the challenge is to get to the gym, to get out of the house and to write letters to again.

Its the light inside that frees us.