Fight on

Tuesday and I wake up to find my partner not feeling well. So its an early breakfast and then I run my partner to the GP surgery for her appointment. We visit the chemist on the way back home. My partner goes back to work in the office and I get on clearing up the kitchen and generally tidying my stuff up. There are emails from the solicitor and the funeral directors. So its a morning of death admin until midday when a friend rings and we have a brief chat about how we are and what is going on in our families. I find these conversations a real support given what is going on at the moment. Lunchtime arrives when I treat myself to a fried egg sandwich.

Post lunch I sit down and begin to type out what I am going to say at my sisters funeral. I tap away looking for inspiration. The words do not come easily but eventually I end up with something that maybe acceptable. I expect that it will be changed before it gets spoken on Friday. I resort to a little light hoovering and cleaning for light relief. My solicitor rings me and we wrestle with the difficulties of getting people and their passports to her in person. Its a difficult teaser which I cannot solve immediately. I decide to train, its the last thing I want to do but it is necessary if I am to prepare properly for the possibilities of radiotherapy. Before changing in to my kit I put the bins out and bring the car in. I change and get into the garage and set up the rower for a 45 minute session at my cruise level. Its a bitch of a session and I struggle to get going but I grit my teeth and grind through the time. I manage 9 kilometre thanks to a burst of effort in the last third, and I scrape a 600 calorie burn.

A tough session which drained me.

I record the session, change in to my lounge wear and eat tea. The celebrant rings me and shares what he intends to say at the funeral. Its sounds okay to me and I suggest a couple of amendments and check another inclusion. I am now spoonless and stare at the TV for a while before I draft the blog. I am slipping into a torpor and feel I am just drifting towards the Friday funeral, however I need to lively up in order to do the things I need to get through the next four days effectively. So night meds and bed for me.