Fight on

Its a slow Saturday wake up with coffee and a read in bed before getting up. There are some papers that I get my eldest daughter to sign and I run off a covering letter. Together we go to the post office and send them off whilst buying eggs and bacon for breakfast. Back home my partner serves up a super breakfast and then its time for me to do my fortnightly drug wallets fill up. Its a bi Saturday ritual that ensures I keep my drugs on course for the immediate future. Its just a part of my cancer life that gets slipped in with the rest of my life.

My drugs line up for the next two weeks.

With my drugs sorted I set about doing some more admin. There is a council tax demand for my dead sisters house to be dealt with and the subscription to Astronomy Today to cancel. With that done my partner and I go shopping for weekend food at the local garden centre. The usual stock of meat and veg are acquired and we return home in the showers that are now well established. I hang my washing out to dry and then settle down to watch a couple of rugby matches on TV. They turn out to be really entertaining. When ever I watch rugby it takes me back to my rugby playing days. There is a sense that I still know what it is like to step out onto a field and experience the physicality of competitive sport. It also reminds me it is better to be doing rather than watching. It motivates me when I am finding it difficult to make the effort. I tear myself away from the TV and go and get into my training kit. Today I decide that I cannot pussy foot around with my cruise level 4 on the rower anymore, I need to make the effort to up my effort. I set the rower for 45 minutes on level 5 and get on with it. I feel my shoulders and back complain quite quickly but grind my way through the time and end up pleased with myself for making it. 600 more calories gone.

9 kilometres and 600+ calories, a good session.

I record the session, strip off my kit and then indulge in an old James Bond film while eating tea. The evening slides by and I start to drat the blog. Every so often the website does strange things. The usual one is reporting unexpected large site visitors and site visits. Apparently today 438 people have visited the site on 849 occasions. As much as I like to think the blog might have gone viral I know this will be one of those technical gremlins. So I continue to draft and will drift along with Midsommer Murders before taking to my bed with Touch and drift in to sleep. All week I have not eaten sweets, biscuits, chocolate or nibbles and I have trained consistently so I am hoping my first week of healthy abstinence will be reflected in my weight tomorrow morning. I really need it to be.

Moment to moment, step by step,