Fight on.

Sunday, and I wake up slightly groggy. I weigh myself and feel depressed by the 98.5 kilos that stares back at me. In truth I am not surprised, I’ve over indulged this week mainly by way of comfort eating. Need to restart on Monday and give myself the goal of being fit and lighter by my first radiotherapy sessions in May. My partner and I chat before getting up for breakfast and morning meds. After a large breakfast there is the usual Sunday face time with my youngest daughter. We chat and make plans for the coming weeks visit. After the call I continue ot respond to people sending condolences and putting together the electronic file of material for the funereal. My partner books us into a Spa for a couple of days during her time off in a couple of weeks time and then goes to the gym. After moving my car I notice how well the crocus and narcissus have survived the snow, which has now melted. Once again my garden reminds me of how Spring is on the way and that life moves on.

Having got myself organised I finally get myself ready to train. Its an effort but I make it into the garage. I strap in and set out on a 45 minute session. It goes reasonably well and I burn off 600+ calories.

This will do for a Sunday afternoon.

I record the session and get out of my kit before settling down to dinner. I continue to do some death admin and then watch the final episode ever of Endeavour. The usual Sunday ritual of doing the Tesco order is done before I get down to drafting the blog. I take my meds and go to bed thinking that I might go to the gym tomorrow.

There are penguins and then there are couture penguins.