Fight on

Wednesday and I wake up and read for a while until my partner brings me a coffee I encourage her to phone the GP and get an appointment as she has a pain. . Soon after I am up and breakfasted and continuing to read Perfume. There are chores to do and as Tesco (Bastards) did not deliver yesterday I need to go to the village shop and grab some basic Giffin goods. All the things pensioners fritter their money on like bread, milk, butter and cheese. Its a successful trip. My partner and I have a snack lunch and then I drive her over to her mothers to visit and sort out some carer business.

Whilst there I take the opportunity to buy a new suit and cash in some points on an old clothing account. I can’t face squeezing into my old but smart black suit and being uncomfortable for the entire time on the day of my sisters funereal. Since being on this medication shifting my weight has been difficult so I am adapting my clothing environment. I also read some emails that have come in in response to the news of my sisters death. I drive my partner home and she goes to her GP appointment while I do a bit more admin.

The evening starts with me going out in the snow to top up the hedgehog canteen and then settling down to wait for my partner’s return from the GP. Its an inconclusive out come and a possible option to go back again soon. Its Indian takeaway for tea and then I watch a football match before clearing the kitchen and drafting the blog. All of this sounds puerile in the face of my sisters death, my impending radiotherapy, my partners brother in hospital and the management of the stuff that goes with all this. It is tricky to keep training and also to find the time to write and pay attention to my friends who are being kind at the moment. I am hoping that over the next couple of days I can get back in to my routine. The shed in the snow should be fun.

The waves wash over us.