Sunday and I wake to the sound of household chores being done. I’m slow to get up but when I do I am greeted with a bacon sandwich and coffee. Of course I weigh myself before I eat and wish I had not. I weigh in at 98.6 kilos. I am disappointed as my weight was going down during the week. I feel a mixture of anger at myself and irritation with myself. Post sandwich I while away time knowing that the rugby I want to watch is on later.

My partner and I face time our youngest daughter. We chat for a while and talk about cars and the possible options going forward. After the call my partner and I spend time researching cars and thinking through options. There is a little time before the rugby starts so I gather up the garden camera and begin to check it with little expectation of anything exciting. To my delight and surprise the hedgehog appears. My hog is out of hibernation! This is worthy of a whoop and a skip. From the camera I ascertain that the hog is out and about quite a lot, but the 20th of January is the day the hog has chosen to remerge from his winter sleep, so Spring is on the way.

The black blob in front of the spikey plant is my hog.

The rugby starts and I stop everything to watch the match. Its a good match and worth the effort to watch. Half time arrives and by chance Amazon deliver my new slippers and a book. I watch the second half of the game in my new and very cosy slippers.

The joy of cosy feet while watching rugby.

With the joy of cosy feet I watch England beat Italy and then turn my attention back to sorting out the pictures from the garden camera. The hog is very active and going to the hog canteen so I will need to get some food into the canteen tomorrow and ensure my hog gets a good wake up meal. I start to read my new book as tea is being prepared. Its another Neil Gaiman novel, his first, Neverwhere. Within two pages I am intrigued.

My new book.

I eat tea and then draft the blog as the TV provides wallpaper and my partner goes for a bath. There is time to drift through, a Tesco order to revamp and then the tricky decision of whether to watch the Super Bowl or not. Tricky decision as the actual sport content is good but all the typical American fanning farting and fucking about that surrounds it makes it a marathon not a football game. The coming week brings my PET-CT scan, I need to focus and train.

When Spring arrives you just have to get up.