Friday and I am awake but late, the exertions of yesterday have caught up with me. I get a breakfast and then sort out my drugs wallets for the next two weeks. I run off the information from the clinic that is going to do my PET-CT scan. Apparently I’m going to be infused with a radioactive tagged glucose, which means that I will have to spend an hour letting it get into my system. So I am psychologically ready now all I need to now is get there and get on with it next week. I fill in more time by refilling the bird feeders and the squirrel feeder and then its time to go to the dentist.

My dentist is very good and we have a good chat about the x-ray outcomes. We come to the conclusion that I will have one filling repaired and that we will keep a watch on one of my crowns that might be developing something strange. I am relieved to get away without any work being done beyond setting a date for the filling in early March. I return home with eggs, grapes and a paper to read the final stories of Fragile Things. At last I get up the energy to go and train. I am becoming addicted to my Fitbit PAI score. A consistent score of a 100 is supposed to have been found to predict a longer life so I of curse have taken to setting my daily goal of getting above a PAI of 200. Its going well so far and my calculated fitness age is currently standing at 47. So maintaining my 200 PAI score act as an additional motivation. So at almost 5 o’clock I get into the garage and set myself up for an hours row. It goes well and I crack 13 kilometres and 800+ calories.

This is a good session for the end of the week.

I record the session get into Friday night TV clothes and eat tea. Then its a night of TV wallpaper while I draft the blog. There is of course Death in Paradise to watch and then I shall get an early night.

Half Term is here.