Tuesday and I wake up feeling crap. My partner brings me a coffee, which I drink before I get up. I have breakfast, take meds and pain killers and go to the Shed to write letters. I spend all morning writing letters. By lunchtime my injection site feels sore and I return to the house to have lunch. I pop across to the post box and buy stamps before I return.

I spend time reading Fragile Things and putting my washing in. It gets to time for the dentist so I wander down to the clinic and check in. I get called into the hygienists lair and she and her assistant get to work on me. The 20 minute session turns into a 40 minute one. I get a discount of course. It was forty minutes of medieval metal torture. I cannot believe that in this day and age dental hygiene consists of scraping a metal hook in between the teeth and jabbing a sharp point into the gums. What happened to modern technology and things like ultra sound. I come away feeling like I’ve just had an interview with the Spanish Inquisition. My teeth maybe clean but my mouth feels raw and painful.

Back home I hang my washing out and then read more Fragile Things until it is dark. The evening slides on, I read more, eat tea and watch Midsommer Murders until I draft the blog. I take my night meds and pain killers and go to bed to read. All this day has done is give me a sore mouth to match my sore gut injection sight. I’m finding it hard at the moment to stay chipper but I remain determined to recover my usual joyous self.

Getting back in in the swim of things is the goal