I wake up later than planned and quickly get organised with toast and coffee. I set about checking my messages and my bank accounts. That’s when the fun started. My phone app refused to recognise my finger print and ultimately I got locked out. It then asked me for my digital security number. Mystery to me. I tried a couple of possibles and failed. What followed was a long and frustrating process of re-establishing a new digital security number and a vocal recognition set up. It took at least two prolonged goes at setting the new code. After over a hour of frustration I got some one who knew what they were doing and guided me through the process successfully. At last I could access my accounts again. By this time I was behind schedule to meet friends for lunch.

I drove to the restaurant/bar and found my friends already there. We sat and dined and talked about a whole range of things but mostly about how we were adapting to our new situations. We are all doing new things and going through transitions as indeed some of our partners are as well. The conversation was really useful to be part of. We lingered over coffee. One of my friends is going back to Bermuda on Sunday so it was really good to see him before he went back. The journey back home seemed to go by quickly.

At home I find my partner returned from seeing her mother. I have a letter waiting for me from a friend which I read over a welcome coffee. My partner and I chat after my partner and daughter have eaten and then we settle down to watch some TV before I catch up with drafting the blog, I retreat to bed early to read my newly arrived book, Fragile Things, a collection of short stories by Neil Gaiman. It would seem that he is my author of choice at the moment. Tomorrow must be a training day. I still have the feeling that Spring is on is way and hanker after the Shed and writing. On my shoulder sits a voice that keeps reminding me that there are poems that want to be in the world.

Like being kind to yourself.