Monday, I wake to an empty house as both of the other residents have actually gone to the places of their work. I check my social messages and media and then make breakfast. I clear the kitchen and tidy up before another coffee. I’m watching His Dark Materials when an old work colleague from the Enabling Environment days. he tells me about his weekend watching Rangers getting to the final of the Scottish cup. We chat about his work and how it is going. We also talk about how I am and our mutual prostate adventures. As men of a certain age we research adn chat about statins and remnd ourselves to have our arses ready for that impromptu prostate check that doctors seem to be fond off. We also swap thoughts about some of the people (not nice people) that we have coem across in our time in the criminal justice system. After almost an hour my friend goes on hos way adn I return to the heartrending end of the Amber Spyglass.

I am just about to do something when the gas pipe people knock on the door. We have a chat about where my gas meter is located and if I have a heat source. I reveal my meter location at which point he has a quick look down the side of the house and told me that there would not be any need to dig on the property. So he tells me that our day to be re-gassed is Thursday. So I shall need to be around to let them in and out during the day. I have some time to kill so I drag put my amplifier adn Stratocaster, tune up and spend some time reacquainting myself with my very limited repertoire. The amplifier is a Peavy a real gnarly amp and very loud, I dread to think what it would do to my eardrums if I actually cranked it up to full. I look more rock and roll than I actually sound.

Rock in slippers

Eventually the Tesco delivery arrives. I take it in and have an odd feeling that something is wrong but I return to my soup before I put anything away. Before I can finish my soup I get a call from Mr Tesco, he’s missing something and asks me to check my delivery. I do and find two pizzas and a bag of chips, he seems pleased and says he will be with me soon. The pick up goes well and I stow the goodies. The household returns from work and I go to train in the garage. Its to be an hour session on the rower. I actually manage to find “rower” on my Fitbit and set it up to record the session and then set off for the session. Its a struggle but I make it and do 13+ kilometres and burn 800+ calories. Its a good outcome given it was cold in the garage.

Brrrrrrrrr, thank goodness for thermals.
13K and 800+ calories, a good session.

I return to the house to record the session and then change before tea. The evening moves on to Silent Witness and then meds and bed, Tomorrow I am accompanying my partner to a friends father’s funereal so I shall be robing up in black suit and paraphernalia for the day.

First ask the question.