Saturday, it seems so long ago and its only Sunday so I guess it was a day of inactivity apart from a brief veg restock and a scone at the garden centre. It was also the day I restocked my drugs wallets for the coming two weeks. I know I did not train and apparently sitting on my arse watching TV drama box sets is not a way to get fit or loose weight. I also remember chocolate and late night TV so Sundays weigh in is doomed.

Sunday and it starts with a coffee in bed and a chat. I then weigh my self. I am 97.2 kilos, I have put back on this week what I lost the week before, I am disheartened not with the weight but with my own inability to train consistently and my tiredness. This is followed by a bacon bagel and a lot of general tidying and trying to ring our youngest daughter. So my partner and I prepare to go to the gym. I drive us there and we hit the gym floor, me grabbing a cross trainer. I really do not feel like it today but then its becoming more difficult to motivate myself as time goes on. Nevertheless I set the session to 50 minutes and my usual 11 level and off I go. It turns out out okay as I have Rammstein loud in my ears.

5000+ calories, that will do for this.

Spurred by my disappointment with myself on the weight and exercise front I decide to do another 30 minutes on a recumbent bike. What a waste of time this is, it must be the most inefficient way of burning calories. I work at a steady pace and only burn an additional 100 + calories. I wear my Fitbit on my foot to try and get some sort of score from the exercise. It does not work very well as I am still trying to understand how I access all the features of the new Christmas Fitbit. I walk the gym floor and finish my 750 cc of water and then go for a shower.

35 minutes for 117 calories is really not worth it.

My partner and I have coffee in the lounge and then head for home. Damp kit gets sorted and I settle down to follow the football scores and to start to draft the blog for the last couple of days. We ring my youngest daughter who replies this time and we chat. She points out that we have been talking about a new sofa for two years and she is bored with hearing about but is proactive when it comes to a new lounge rug. Within minutes she is sending us links to appropriate rugs from various sellers. I continue to draft the blog while my partner prepares tea and makes her daily call to her mother.

Tonight is a bonanza night of TV. Country file, His Dark Materials, Midwifes, Happy Valley and then football highlights. Tonight I shall slob in front of the TV unashamedly and tomorrow I will try again. Try again to discipline myself to eat right, sleep right and train right, whilst pursing the limited goals in my life of publishing my poetry and maintaining my correspondence with those people who I have written to over the years. At times it seems that the more I try to simplify life the complicated it becomes.

So at what point is it wise to build an arc?