Wednesday and it could have been a bad day but was not, Why I hear you ask. Well as my partner recovered from her hospital visit the day before I got into the office where the family PC lives. It holds all my passwords for the important sites I need and today it was “settle with the tax man” day, so having the right access codes was important. I’m expecting to be a couple of grand lighter by the end of the session. I follow the instructions on my tax office threatening letter and go to a new page that I have not visited before called my “current position.” I stare at the screen in disbelief, according to this page I only owe the HMRC a measly £132 pounds including an amount on account for next tax year. I’m bemused and go to another new to me page called payments and receipts for the tax years. I check this new page to find I have already paid about £2000 in payments on account over the tax year in question. So being paranoid I check them all again adn run of hard copies of the pages from my tax account that I have just viewed. I then pay my £132 by BACS and rejoice happily. What a good day this is turning out be. I’m giddy with my new found wealth. It is rainbow time.

The day goes on getting better as a friend messages me and tells me her sister and wife have been approved by the adoption screening panel. Another friend messages me with frustration relieving content, which I think is an excellent thing to have done. So a very good morning. I put an evening meal in the crockpot slow cooker and then my intention was to train but I made a fatal mistake. I got involved with a jigsaw, a small jigsaw, with very small pieces of strange shapes and illogical fittings. I have previously sworn never to do jigsaws again but here I am with all my combative and obsessive traits engaged. That’s me all evening and night till I down my night meds and fall into bed past midnight a tired but jigsaw competent person. The film on TV passed me by as did everything else as I head wrestled the fiendish tiny part into the shape of a bee. I go to bed frustrated that I got caught by a jigsaw and did not train. Good for head bad for body, which at the moment is the more important.

Looks simple when done but was a real bastard to complete

Thursday and I wake up to the sound of the gas pipe replacement workers digging hole outside the house. It will not be long before they are knocking on the door to tell us to switch off our boiler and other gas appliances. I check my social media and find a friend has sent me a link to a call for poets and spoken word artists to apply to perform at Glastonbury this year. I am tempted to apply as the Poetry Coyote, but I am not sure I’ve got enough performance videos to apply with. I have until March to decide. Its a long shot and I am an unlikely contender. Post breakfast and morning meds I catch up with drafting the blog. Friends tell me the blog is still slow in coming up or updating but I can find no obvious reason why that should be unless the size of some of the content is slowing it down. The actual site itself is responding quickly and saying it is posting the new material straight away. It is possible that the servers in America, where the site is held and administered, is being slow. My goal is to train today and get a bit of Shed time in so I can reply to some of the unexpected mail I have had over the last couple of weeks.

The Shed is quick to warm up once I am in and settled. I set about writing replies to the letters that I have received recently. I am using my new stock of writing paper that was a present at Christmas. A friend calls and we chat about the message she sent me the other day during one of those times when it fells that nothing is going right. We chat for a while and only stop when the “wet room man” turns up to look at one of the frustrating problems besetting my friend. Its all part of the teething problems of moving into a new home. I continue to write letters until I get hungry. Back in the house I have a late lunch and write an email to my sister. I pop out to the post box and take the opportunity to replenish my partner’s chocolate stock after eating last night whilst wrestling with the bee jigsaw. Time to train, I really do not want to and its difficult to get motivated to go for it, however I get changed and make my way to the garage. I set the rower for a thirty minute session but up the resistance to a work level. I set off slowly and it takes time to warm up, however by the second half I have warmed up and I am able to make up the lost distance and calorie burn from the start. It ends up a reasonable session as I burn 400+ calories.

A reasonable session at a higher resistance.

I recover from the session and record it in my journal before stripping off the training kit. My partner and I eat tea before she goes to the office to have her on line singing lesson. I settle down to an evening of word counting and preparing some bits of writing. Tomorrow I must go out and train in the comfort of a warm gym, I’m concerned that the Dark and Tricky is circling close by.

Everywhere Spring promises to arrive