Friday and I get a letter from a friend that tells me there are issues accessing the blog. I too have experienced some difficulty to get into the latest entry at times, I’m not sure what the difficulty is, but I have found it is possible to get in if I go to search on the page and type in the latest heading. So for example today is ROCKET 67. If you type that in it should come up. I’ve also found that if I go in and type in a fresh time that this will sometimes do the trick. On my phone pushing the forward arrow repeatedly on screen sometimes brings up the latest entry. So if your having trouble and reading this, well done for getting here. If you are having trouble consistently leave a comment and let me know. Alternatively if you have found an easy and reliable way of getting into the updated blog then please leave your secret in my comments and I will share it on the blog. Thank you. The figures for people visiting the blog have gone down post Christmas so it is either that fact that people are having trouble getting in to the blog or its the post Christmas slump in interest. I guess this is all part of my headline journey into advanced cancer and dyslexic blogging. There are bound to be hiccups along the way, this maybe one of them.

As usual my day started about 9 o’clock and moved to a breakfast of coffee, panettone and morning meds. Most of my morning has been life and blog admin but I am now sorted for 2023. My bank accounts up to date, tax assessment sorted and Tesco order done, there is little else to disturb me apart from my brain. So its time to move on and get my arse back into training so its off to the garage and the rowing machine for me. I’ve realised that I’ve stopped feeding myself, as I’ve not read for a couple of days nor created anything, nor planned any cultural input over the next few weeks, so I need to get myself back into this. But for now its rower time.

It had been 12 days since I last trained, Christmas Eve in fact. Since then the cold I acquired for the festive period has prohibited me from training but there comes a point when it becomes unbearable to feel the weight go on and the degradation of of fitness. So I approach my return to training with my usual rugged approach. Sometimes you just have to show your body whose boss and to tough it out. So I get into the garage all psyched up to go for it, get the ear phones on, don the trainers and gloves and press the console button to set the session and the screen goes blank! The bloody batteries have died so I have to unscrew the console to fit new batteries and reset the display, then I can start. Now I can set myself for an hour at my cruise level. So finally I get underway, watching my stroke rate, pull wattage and calories burnt. I grind at quite a high pace for the hour. The result is good for a first time out after 12 days and I am feeling fairly good, I think making the effort and raising my body temperature helps counter act the cold.

Cracking 900+ calories is good as is bettering 13.5K

I get out of the garage and record the session before heading to the bathroom for a luxury bath bomb bath. Its good to lazy and soak for a while until finally its time to join the rest of the family in the lounge for the evening. Pizza tonight and I guess Death in Paradise. During a quiet moment in the day my eldest and I hunted for ballet tickets. As usual Swan Lake was sold out so we moved onto alternatives eventually settling on Coppelia. So the family will be settling down on a Monday in March to feast on live ballet where you can hear the patter of block shoes across the stage and the occasional grunt of a missed timed lift. We are also looking at comedians but that is a bit more tricky so find someone who ticks the boxes for all the family. So that’s it for today, my monthly supply of drugs has been collected including Mondays injection so at some point I will start taking prophylactic paracetamol to ward off the nastier side effects of the injection. Messages during the day tell me that my letters are starting to arrive and others show the fruits of labour to the tune of a new bathroom. I myself receive a letter from a friend who, like me, is experiencing the relief of the festive season being over. So there is life out there going on. Perhaps I will join in. Tomorrow is likely to be a gym day in preparation for Sundays weigh in.

ROCKET quote for the week.