Today is my families Christmas

It’s Monday, my families Christmas day. We start with warm drinks all in or on the same bed just chilling, chatting and seeing how we are. Breakfast is marmalade bagels and more warm drinks. Once we are comfortable we settle down in the lounge and open our presents. It takes a while as we have the odd challenge of trying to remember what package is for who when the label has fallen off. We rip and tear and occasionally peel carefully back layers of wrapping to reveal our presents. I have to say my family have spoilt me this year. These coming months see me well provided with all the materials I need to continue writing letters, dress in style, and be warm and colourful. I will also be able to monitor my fitness again on a daily basis as I continue with my Rocket days. My friends also know me well and I get two T shirts that reflect this.

When the present opening ends some of the family go to the shops in the village to get a Christmas pudding. While they are gone I sort my new things out. I have lots of new reading including James Newbury’s Big Panda and Tiny Dragon, Manuel Puig’s Betrayed By Rita Hayworthand and a Moomin book, The Golden leaf. So I expect that over the next few days some of the new reading will appear in the blog. The main event of the day, Christmas dinner is eaten at 3 o’clock in the afternoon at a leisurely pace. It is always a huge meal and no one can face pudding until we have had a few games of Perrudo, a dice game. Once we feel able, we cook the Christmas pudding, deck it with holly, dowse it with brandy and set it alight in true traditional style.

Traditional flaming pudding

Having filled ourselves with festive food the family head to the lounge to doze through a film and then drift through an evening of TV and grazing. Gradually family members drift off to bed and I draft the blog as the last Match of the Day highlights play out. Its been a lovely day of family feasting and enjoying each other. Tomorrow there will be time to read some of the new books, start the jigsaws and try out my new glass pen. For now its time to take my night meds, something for my developing cold and go to bed. All in all I am a very lucky person.

Rocket first and last.