Wednesday, its about 9 o’clock and I ease myself out of bed and throw on some clothes. Breakfast next of course and morning meds. I put a load of washing in and attend to the various post that arrives. A parcel from my sister arrives safe and sound so I send her an email to let her know. Its a morning of bits and pieces. A friend has sent me a letter and a surprise present which I of course read over a cup of coffee, one of the true pleasures of life. By lunchtime I am ready for soup and feel a little more energised.

My partner goes to visit her mother and I start my afternoon jobs. Having hung my washing out I retrieve the camera from the garden adn check to see if it has captured anything worth a look. I discover that putting a baseball cap over the top of it to ward of water from the lens has backfired on me. The day time functions have worked but there is not a singe night capture. So all that I have is squirrels, wood pidgeons and next doors cat. I return the camera to the garden minus the baseball cap. Tomorrow I will check to see if the night function is working again. I change to train. Its a real pain in the arse having to change clothes so many times in a day when training, I understand why some people seem never to get out of their track suits. Of course some peoples fashion sense goes any further but I guess you just blag the fitness line. Any way I get into the garage and settle on the rower, today is going to be 30 minutes at a higher resistance level as I have Tesco delivering between 4 and o’clock. I get my ear phones in and on and start my row. It goes okay and I burn 400+ calories.

A reasonable session 6+ kilometres and 400+ calories.

I change into my evening slob about clothes that tonight includes a Scottish ice hockey jersey and wait for Tesco to deliver. They rock up early so I have the joy of doing the unpacking and storing away. I send back the “all steak pie” that some one thought was a reasonable substitution for a pork pie but tidily store everything else. Once done I do a stock check of the reserve larder where I squirrel away some emergency supplies. Its not a doomsday bunker sort of thing more a sensible laying in of the stuff we use a lot of. Admittedly I sometimes screw up when I am ordering and include a “just in case” purchase that I know is going in the reserve larder. This is why I find we have three jars of marmalade. At least we are well sorted if Paddington visits.

My partner returns from her mothers and finds me starting to draft the blog. We will eat to tonight and watch the Sports Personality of the Year followed by Vienna Blood by the end of which I shall be knackered and need my bed. I am beginning to worry that the gift I have order from America is not going to arrive, which means I might be last minute Christmas shopping in person in real shops. That could be a real challenge. From what I can gather all my friends are experiencing pre Christmas perturbations in their plans or reaching a crescendo of preparation that is demanding high levels of spoon expenditure. I suspect that once Christmas arrives there may well be a lot of napping going on to recover.

This is it, the last dash