Friday and I am awake at 7 o’clock. There is warm coffee and thoughts of going for my bloods to be taken. I check my social media and find others are awake and planning their days. One brave person is going to a Ukulele concert. My Pixies shudder at the thought and move on.

Too early in the morning for me and my pixies, how long did you last, now imagine this being played by small children. My friend is very brave, but when its your child up there doing it, it is something different. Ah the happy memories of all those school nativity plays and concerts. My own daughters were of course spectacularly brilliant. Anyway I am slow to rise but eventually I find myself dressed, huddled up in warm outdoors wear and walking to the GP surgery.

I enter the surgery with mask on and sign in, taking a seat in the waiting area. My name gets called and I look up to see the receptionist hailing me. I follow him in to the clinic room to find he is going to take my bloods. It turns out he has many skills and it quick and efficient with taking my bloods. Is today a nurses strike day, no it is not, so the receptionist has clearly moved on to pastures bloodier. I return home to a coffee and a laptop that seems to have become agedly slow. So as I try to download more Stanza poems I am simultaneously try to get it to run faster. I give in, run some clean up software and move to my other laptop to start the blog for the day. At 11 0’clock I decide its time for breakfast.

Fried egg sandwich sees me right, washed down with coffee. I set about defrosting the cars as my partner is off to the physiotherapist this afternoon. I download some more poems and prepare for tomorrow. When my partner returns my eldest daughter and I drive off to the garden centre to get a Christmas tree. It does not take long to select a tree as they are all labelled with their height and price. Actually we don’t bother with the measurement thing I stand by them and we find one that is slightly taller than me to accommodate Red Sonia our traditional red fairy. The attendant nets the tree and we push off to the tills to pay. Having put the seats down in the car the netted tree goes in easily. Back home we store the tree in the porch while I get on with the preparations to receive it. Even after a short while the smell of fir tree begins to permeate the house.

Porched Christmas Tree and already the house smells of fir.

I get to work on the annual Christmas tree light swearing bout. The light box comes out of the loft and I start to unravel the rolls of lights. Its the snowflake ones that are the pain in the arse as they catch on everything in sight. Thankfully all the strings work so now its down to getting the tree screwed into to the base, moving the TV to its Christmas position and getting the room set. This gets done and I start to weave the lights into the tree. Its very hit and miss and as always the effect at the end is random. Once the lights are on I hang my youngest daughters tree decorations that she bought for us as a present recently.

It coincides with dinner. Having eaten I settle down to draft the blog. I am perturbed by the fact that DAY 45 seems to have gone astray although the platform says it has been published. I am hoping that todays blog becomes available or moves things forward. This evening I shall be watching TV, gods knows what, probably Happy Valley, which it isn’t. Whether I stay up to see if my blood results come will depend on how many spoons I can muster. There are more poems to run off in preparation for tomorrow’s poetry Stanza and I need to get some suitable finger foods to take.

Gets more difficult the less spoons you have but worth the effort.