So I wake and know I have a full day in front of me, but not sure of the timings. The man who helps with the garden has arrived, which means making coffee and having a chat becomes a priority. So once up and dressed I head for the kitchen and make coffee. We discuss the weather and walk the garden looking at how things are surviving the first frosts and agree its time to put the tulips in for the spring. This is all going well until I realise I have missed a call and I end the conversation to go and make a call. Half way through the call my garage man appears on the front path ad I have to say a hurried farewell to my friend on the phone and go and greet the garage man. I give him my key and he climbs in after a brief chat about what I think has happened and he drives off very sedately accompanied by an intermittent grinding and scraping sound. I guess I will hear in due course what damage has been done and just how much of the power half of my wallet will need to be removed to get the car back in working order.

No sooner than he is gone than I get a special postal deliver. The T shirts I ordered from Cyberdog had arrived. I immediately hung them up and took pictures of them, I’m such a child when it comes to things like this.

What followed was outright avoidance of work as I cleared the laundry area of my clothes and tumble dried a new load, emptied the dishwasher and put it on a cleaning cycle. When I had no more chores to do I settled down to write a brief paper on EE champions. I wrote and rewrote for a couple of hours until I had a reasonable draft that I then sent of to colleagues to read and comment on. I then spent my time running off papers for tomorrows meeting and preparing to travel early. With no more jobs left I went to the village café and had some food and drink. Normally I would do the crosswords in the papers but today there were no papers and I ended up writing notes about how I felt about being in the hinterland of cancer. I am finding it difficult to write about some things in the way I normally would. Its a while since writing any poetry, I find being in chemo somehow makes this difficult, but I persevere.

I get home and sort out my gym stuff and head for the gym where I do read the papers and do the crosswords until my partner arrives. I train and burn 731 calories. The shower after the work out was welcome unlike the inconsiderate bastard who wandered out of the swimming pool in to the changing area dripping wet and making it into a hippo paddling pool. Home via the chippy, putting the bins out on the way. I quick bit of TV and then on to write the blog and pack my bag for tomorrow. Its been just another day but a day where things have been okay, apart from the lump in my groin where I had my 21 day injection yesterday. It more sore than I thought it was, so I am back carrying a pigeons egg around for a couple of days. However in the scheme of things this is a small price to pay for a low PSA level.