Another day another battle.

Monday and I am up early enough to get to the GP surgery as it opens to explain that I have not ordered my injection. I rearrange the appointment for next Monday. I go home have breakfast and then return to the problem of the website that continues not to respond. As the morning goes on I get more exasperated, thoroughly pissed off by lunchtime I consume soup and head for the garden. The squirrel is being busy, so I clean out the feeding box and top it up with peanuts. I check the Fort Hog and find the food gone so replenish it. I then check the garden camera. Not a hog in sight for a couple of weeks now. So who or what is eating the food. I have a lot of pictures of next doors cat but no evidence that it can get into Fort Hog to get the food. Perhaps rodents and hibernation are the explanation.

I return to the pesky website and send uncomplimentary feedback. I then wrestle with the configuration and finally the site starts to play ball, I finish off yesterday’s blog and post it before starting on todays. I feel so frustrated as I have yet to train. I had hoped for today to be a good day and to have quality Shed time and write something, instead I will go grumpily to the garage and let Rocket lose on the rower. It is amazing how malfunctioning tech can whittle away a day and make me feel that I have wasted a day. There are odd moment of distraction such as a postcard from a friend on holiday in France and my partner setting the window cleaner right about how crap they were last time. I hope to retrieve my day this evening despite the Tesco delivery. It would appear that losing weight and crap technology induces a sense of humour bypass in me.