There was only one waking thought today, England vs NewZealand for a place in the world cup final. Up in plenty of time to see the build up grab a coffee and settle into the sofa. What a start! A try in 98 seconds and an England team that seemed to mean business from the word go. An enthraling match until my eldest daughter missed her bus to work. So its out to the car and drive into town. All very good samaritan until my car developed a grating front onside brake disc (or at least I hope that is what it is, ) So I dropped daughter off and nursed the car home to watch what was left of the match. A satisfying end. No bacon sandwich though as Sainsburys were yet to deliver. I walk down to the village co-op to buy bacon and a paper in the rain. As I arrive back Sainsburys pull up and we do the unloading and packing away. At last bacon sandwichs. My partner goes off to have her hair done while I refill my drugs wallet for the week. My youngest daughter and I swap the cars around so that my sick one sits outside on the road side where it can be collected from or won’t block the drive. Just one more thing to sort out in the real world life admin. There after I sit with my youngest watching cookery programmes on TV, interrupted with the occasssional toasted hot cross bun or sandwich. Gradually the family reutrns as the afternon wears on and I start the blog while thinking about the friends we are going to see this evening for a meal.

So I return from an evening out to dinner with old friends. A lovely evening of home cooked food and good conversation. An unexpected gift at the end of the evening takes me by surprise. It is a present from my friends most recent travels and is intended for my writing space in the shed. It is lovely and I will indeed hung it by my writing desk.

Now its time for bed and hopefully some sleep before the rugby tomorrow. I will not be staying up to turn the clocks back tonight, that can wait till the morning. I note that my diary says its a friends wedding anniversary tomorrow and that Tigers are playing at home. I hope there is lots of celebrations to be had. So I take my drugs and head for bed.