Battle on!

Wednesday and I wake up fuzzy, the result of my meds so it takes a while to get going, but when I do I breakfast on muesli and fresh coffee. Today I thought I would try to exercise early and decided to go to the gym and use a cross trainer. I drove to the gym and was soon stepping out on a cross trainer. I no longer have a working Fitbit or equivalent, so I am in the dark about steps at the moment but more importantly I cannot check my heart rate post session. When it comes down to it, I guess it doesn’t matter the important thing is to just do it.

The session went okay. Fifty minutes on the cross trainer which netted me 518 calories burnt over 5.19 kilometres. I go to the changing rooms and sit and recover before indulging in a warm shower. I post shower rest and I chill by brushing my hair, finally dressing in my new giant size pants to avoid too tight fashionable ones. I sit in the lounge and drink a vast americano and eat a bacon and egg Brioche roll for lunch while reading Reaper Man. It is surprisingly touching and touched the odd nerve. The Prostate Awareness crew were in the lounge and said hello to me as I walked past them on the way in. They did not approach me while I sat in the lounge post session. I had a quick look to see if they had any of those nice man badges for prostate cancer, but they did not. Had they had the odd one to hand out I might have flashed my Gleeson score and claimed a freebie, but it was not to be. I drove home to my afternoon chore of mending the bathroom light.

I finished Reaper Man at the gym.

What a pain the arse that turned out to be. I needed to relay some loft boards to get to where I needed to be. That of course did not go smoothly, these things never do. so, after much tool usage and swearing I finally get to the light fitting and work my magic. The bloody thing still would not work until I changed the bulb and then suddenly life was good. By this time I am truly knackered and as I gather up my tools I twinge my back, which elicits a very load yelp and an even louder “Bugger me”. Slowly I put my tools away and drive myself to go adn check Fort Hog. It dark by now and pissing with rain, so I’m not a little grumpy. The hog has fed so I replace his/her food and then retreat to the house and settle down to a well-earned cold non-alcohol beer. I start to draft the blog and whilst doing so my partner and then her friend arrives. They go out in the pouring rain to a local pub for pie night while I will improvise with my eldest daughter and watch football. Toady has been a reasonable second Rocket Day, I’ve trained, not eaten sweets or biscuits and beavered away in the loft. It is going to have to be enough for today. I have the joy of seeing friends for a meal at the weekend and next week I am going to York to catch up with my mentor and coffee with old colleagues. That is far as I am willing to think right now. Christmas will have to wait a bit, these are Rocket days.

Rocket to the stars and moons