Friday, and it’s throwing down as I surface to consciousness. I grab my phone and do my social media before getting up. I go for the comfort of a fried egg sandwich with real coffee. My task of the day is to patch the Shed roof. I gather together my resources and get into the garden. Ladder up against the Shed I climb up and try to identify where water might be getting in. I mark out an area of seam that appears to be the most likely source of the leak. I cut a roofing felt patch and then work the adhesive into the roof. Finally, I lay the patch in place and tape it off. Hopefully a job well done. Its lunch time after I have cleared away my tools. After a dish of soup, and putting the evening meal in the crockpot, I go back to the Shed to write a letter only to find the Shed still leaks, so I improvise.

I write my letter in the Shed and then take a trip to the post box. The drip in the Shed bugs me and I can’t leave it alone. I go into my man cave and look for a solution. I find some frame sealant and return to the Shed to try a new approach. I fill the ingress point for the leak with filler and smooth off with a pallet knife. I rehang the drip pot just in case. In the toing and froing from the Shed I notice that my gutters are overflowing, the water is pouring over the top. I cannot leave it, so I find the steps and set about clearing out the guttering. My gutter hedgehogs had not been cleaned this year and as a result a blockage had built up. I spend my time standing on a low wall cleaning out the blockage and rearranging the hedge hogs. I finally get it done and get the stuff away. By now I’m wet and tired but remember that the real hedgehog needs to be fed so I’m back to the garden and refiling the hogs bowl in Fort Hog.

The evening is the crockpot meal then TV rugby followed by Have I Got News for You. Then there was the final ever episode of Mock the Week. All that is left for me is to draft the blog and to prepare for tomorrows family trip to Birmingham to see Cirque du Soleil. It is an adventure that will test my spoon juggling. Night meds and bed now.