Thursday, and I wake very late and blunder my way into another day of political cluster fuck. I have my muesli breakfast washed down with fresh coffee. As I sit feeling increasingly wired, I watch the unfolding resignation of Blunder Truss. One moment there is a man introducing the podium team and the next Tosser Truss is resigning. Ding Dong the witch is dead, it’s a Dorothy moment.

|Going Going

For the first time in years politics is entertaining and fun. Much better than loads of poor dramas on TV. This year the TV license is well worth the money. Where else could you get such intrigue, farce, incompetence and a blood bath? Now we are going to get the unedifying spectacle of the auctioning of the Ceasarship, it like watching the Fall of the Roman Empire.

I have a celebratory peanut bagel and prepare to train. Today I’m doing 45 minutes on the rower at my “gentle” level. I get changed and while my partner is visiting her mother, I settle to my session in the garage. It’s a session that goes reasonably well as I stretch out the stiffness from yesterday.

Over 600 calories burnt is okay.

Post session I put out the recycling and empty the dishwasher. I check Fort Hog and find an empty food dish, so I put in a refilled fresh dish. I notice that there is a leak in the Shed. It’s been raining all day and there are drips of water on my writing table. I look for bitumen spray in my man cave but there is none, so I order some to arrive tomorrow. I guess I know what I will be doing tomorrow at some point. I change into my Merlin robe and settle down to watch an early evening football match on my laptop. My partner returns and makes tuna pasta we settle down to a cosey evening of film and TV. My daughter rings to say she cannot get a taxi from her circus skills class. The reason for this is that the taxi drivers will not take out of town rides if Leicester are playing at home, which they are tonight. I pull on clothes and drive off to pick my daughter returning home to watch the end of the football match that had denied my daughter a taxi. The evening goes on until I draft the blog and then take my night meds and go to bed. It’s been an entertaining day and it seems the fun is going to continue for at least a week.

Even if the way up is slow.