Wednesday and I wake up to slow, that kind of slow where you know it’s going to take a while getting going. I eventually do get myself together and have my usual muesli breakfast but today it is accompanied by fresh real coffee. I enjoy my coffee immensely and then head for the shed to write a letter. I am there till lunchtime when I am tempted out by the promise of a bacon sandwich. While filled with bacon sandwich I book train tickets for our trip to Birmingham to see Cirque de Soliel. I return to the Shed and get a call from a friend. It was a luxury to have the time to chat at length and to catch up. I am fortunate that I can pace my life as I wish most of the time but that is a luxury she does not have as she battles long COVID and still has to provide for her family. Its half term soon and the demands will be intensified. At the end of our call, I go to the post box and then return to train. I go to the garage and put the resistance up a notch on the rower and decide that I will do 30 minutes. This level is my standard level so half an hour at this stage begins to feel like a move back to normal training. It’s tough going but with Seasick Steve in my ears I make it and do a reasonable distance.

All at Level 5 again, this is progress.

At the end of the session there is little time to rest, so I shower and put on my glad rags ready to accompany my partner to the hospital. We set off and arrive at the hospital in good time and wait for the consultant. He turns out to be a real sweetie and just expertly professional. He listened attentively to my partners account, took her hand in his and gently put a finger on a spot and said, “It’s here, isn’t it?” and it was. He then told us exactly what was wrong and what to do with it. He provided the required injection there and then and told us that if by chance it persisted to come back again. Our decision. We go home to fish and chips. Before I can settle for the evening, I have to check Fort Hog in the dark. The food dish is empty, so it gets replenished, and I am free to don my Merlin robe for the evening. I settle down to draft the blog and while the rest of the evening away. It’s been a good day. Night meds and bed, but not before the Home Secretary is dismissed and the Chief Whip goes. Such fun.

the Vikings compas always north.