Monday. I wake late not feeling my best. The fried egg sandwich and coffee do little to lift me and then I watch yet another chancellor scrap a mini budget. The basic message is that our latest prime minister is thick, does not understand the economy and basically is innumerate. I check my social media for signs of life, there is none beyond a passing hello. The highlights of my day are going to be a Tesco delivery and the arrival of a long cardigan to wear at next week’s conference. Doubtless I shall go to the Shed and write and then train at some point in an effort energise myself. I realise I am seething inside although not completely sure why. I can locate some of it as being the aftermath of stepping out of the Elders group. I think it is the sense of being taken for granted and the phrase “familiarity breeds contempt”, rings true to my experience in this moment. Perhaps it is a wider experience. For the time being I will sit with it, write, read and go about my business.

I spend time doing small jobs around the house like fixing the bathroom light and the lounge light. I check Fort Hog and find the hog has not dined. I throw the old stuff away and refresh the food dish. Tomorrow I will check the garden camera. It occurs to me that now is usually the time that the hedgehogs start thinking about hibernating, perhaps the non-eating last night is the start. It’s a tricky time as I have just ordered another tray of Mr Prickles meaty super for my hog.

Jobs done I and my partner walk down to the village shop to get dish washer tablets and so spontaneous buys. Back home my partner has lunch and I begin to think about training. I am not feeling my best physically and I’m still full of my “seething” so I am slow getting into my kit but once I am I drop into my “all or nothing” mode. I hit the rower for an hour with Rammstein loud, very loud, in my ears. I discovered years ago that loud music can surface the unconscious and coupled with physical effort can be a vehicle to confront what is going in the “Dark and Tricky” that lay below the surface. I strap in and row, closed eyed with the music drowning everything out, in this state I let my body get on with the effort of exercise and let my mind roam and see what rises from the deep. It is a state in which everything else disappears and nothing can intrude. I stand alone with myself in the desert and it’s a reaffirmation that I stand on my own without fear. In this space the confrontation between who I am and what cancer is trying to do to me come face to face. Ultimately there maybe only one outcome but between now and then I win the battles in this space. At the end of a session I am stronger.

60 days since I last rowed for an hour. A strong step back.

I emerge from the garage, change clothes and then move the car from the drive so that Tesco can deliver. While I wait, I watch the continuing cluster fuck that claims it is a government. The message is that when incompetence fails there will be more austerity that the poor will pay for. I begin to wonder if this Guy Fawkes anniversary there might be a successful reincarnation. Tesco deliver and I return to the political blood bath on TV. I catch up with social media and continue to draft the blog. This evening I plan to eat tea, watch a rugby match and go to bed early to read. Tomorow is an empty day that will either see me in the Shed or the gym.

Know you can stand even in the desert