Tuesday and I wake up with a snotty nose and itchy eyes. Is it a cold, rhinitis or an allergy? Is it my long hair, who knows. I get up and have breakfast to bring me round. Today I am meeting a friend for coffee so I am getting my arse in gear to shower, get cash and then drive to the nominated cafe.

Everything goes to plan and I find myself sitting in Flitkins in Shepshed by 10:40am nestling a warm cup of hot chocolate in my hands. I sip it appreciatively and scribble a to do list in the pad I’ve brought in my backpack. Always now I take my mobile office with me, although on this occasion I have left the laptop behind. I do not have to wait long before my friend arrives and we settle down to chat. It is really good to see him and hear how he has come to be in his current position. As ever when companies merge, and new investment is made people go as the new structures emerge and savings are made. It has always been like this and unfortunately my friend was in the wrong place at the wrong time and appears to have fallen foul of the old process of “last one in is first one out”. Fortunately he has valuable skills and is already talking to people about new work. In fact he has a call at 1pm today to talk to someone about a possible post. We indulge in another drink and something to eat before he goes off to take his call and I return to my car to journey home. It has been a real pleasure to see him again and I look forward to later in the month when a group, including my friend are meeting up for a Saturday lunch.

Back home I rest for a bit and then go to see if the hedgehog has eaten its food. It has and because I have reset the garden camera, I have videos of the hog roaming my garden. I was going to include a couple here just for the pleasure of seeing my hog alive and well, but my web page is telling me it can’t handle the type of video file I am using. I spend time trying to resolve the blog problem but, in the end, give in and go and buy chocolate. There is a tricky clash on TV tonight, Rangers v Liverpool cuts across The Man Inside, although I have to say I’ve lost some interest in the Man Inside, the scenario started out with a semblance of possibility but has just over stretched itself. Based on the assumption that anyone could become a murder because people happen to people is just bollocks. It’s a fanciful theory pedalled frequently but the reality just is not that simple, I know, I am after all a legitimate expert in the field. The character on death row who is a professor of criminology is also supposedly able to divine the solution to murders by observation coupled with statistics. Again this is limited in the real world and much of this stuff is hindsight, although “profilers” would say not. The reality is that a good detective is just as good as the “profilers”, after all statistics are statistics. So, I am afraid my interest has waned. My family think I am no fun because they think I know “who did it” before the end of whatever film, series or drama we are watching. The reality is that it’s all fictional stuff and as such is predictable because people have to make it up within a context of entertainment, and in that format there are limited options. Any way I shall see it through but no longer care about any of the characters.

The upshot of today is that I have an updated to do list and some days to complete it. So that is my intention even though I know that the likelihood is that my poetry efforts will only add to my experience of failure and rejection, but that’s art for you. However, you can rely on chocolate.

For everyone doing the heavy lifting of life in the Real World right now.