Monday and I wake up with my cold still in place. So I get up wrap up warm and have coffee and breakfast. I go to take my morning meds and find my drugs wallet empty. I also find my spare wallet empty as well and I realise that it’s time to do my fortnightly refill. I grab my drugs supply and fill my wallets; mentally noting where I am in my injection cycle and drug reordering phase. I take my meds and then head for the Shed.

For the first time this year I feel the chill of autumn. I know I have a cold but the ambient temperature has dropped, I am sure of it. I check the re-sighted hedgehog canteen and find the food has gone. Either the hog has eaten it or the cat that visits has. I have hung lemon slices around the canteen as cats do not like citrus scents but I have no evidence on the garden camera as to whether it is working or not. I settle in the Shed and have five-minute blast of the heater and then start to write letters. This is me until gone midday when I pack up my office backpack and return to the house for lunch. I make a favourite, fried egg sandwich and check my emails. There is a message with a spread sheet attached of a great number of poetry magazines and online forums, which is a god send for me as it gives me a starting point to put some things out there. I’ve not given up on my poetry coyote YouTube channel idea, but it is taking me longer to get together than I anticipated. I go through the spreadsheet and mark off the ones that are a possibility for me. Amazon delivers. It is my wearable sofa blanket, which I of course try on. Once on I could not resist playing the warlock much to the amusement of my partner. Thankfully I have no plans to wear it outside the house.

Your friendly local warlock

As a friend noted the pattern matching of the giant pocket on the front is appalling, which I have to agree it is but slobbing on my sofa I guess I am not going to be too worried about it. I go and put food in the hedgehog canteen and then settle down to start to draft the blog and prepare for the evening. There is an international football match on, England v Germany. It will pass some time and will be the trial run for the sofa blanket. It is cold, I am old and I might just see if the gas fire in the lounge is working for a little while. It’s the time of year to test it. My sister calls and tells me to expect a package tomorrow and in passing tells me that she is having trouble logging into this web site via google. Is anyone else having an issue. The message from google is that the site is not secure, however the site does have an SSI certificate in place so there should be no problem.

It’s the time of year when fesnying snuggle