Wednesday and I wake up feeling decidedly more chipper than I have been over the last couple of days. What I feel is a sense of relief that I am coming out of my “junkie” like response to my monthly injection. I get up and make breakfast including brewing fresh coffee, a clear signal that I am feeling I have a few more spoons. While having breakfast I set todays blog page up before I run a bath and indulge in some nurturing. I laze for a long time in my bath messaging and reading. The idea of the bath is that it eases the soreness of my injection site, which is red and lumpy. It’s about the size of a small bird’s egg but feels like an Ostrich egg. I was hoping that post bath I would feel the same sense of energy that I woke up with. It turns out not to be so. I felt knackered and complained to a friend who kindly explained that a warm bath raises the heart rate and burns more energy. Live and learn.

At lunch I do not feel like eating but I have the delights of a letter to read. It’s a letter full of thought-provoking stuff and I end up writing notes all over it. I relent and have soup but also open a bag of fudge. A comfort manoeuvre. I reread my letter and make more notes, before I recheck the garden camera to see if my hedgehog had reappeared, it had not. By now I am feeling quite rough again. I re-site the garden camera in the front garden. I am interested to see what roams at the front of the house. The evening creeps up on me so I retreat to football and Shetland. By the end of the evening I’m spent so I down my evening meds and go off to bed hoping that I will have a decent nights sleep. I’m tired of being tired.

When the going gets rough take a friend with you.