Tuesday and I had a crap night. My response to my injection this month has been to turn me into a shaky junkie. A wake up in the spare room feeling shit. I have no energy and my body aches all over. I feel so crap I do a COVID rapid flow test (remember them?). Its negative, so this is my injection reaction. I get some breakfast and then try to read for a while. I retreat to the garden swing seat to try and relax. It doesn’t work so I have a soup lunch and go to the Shed. I need to do something different. I decide to daube. I have some old acrylics and some boards so I spend time pushing paint around. I have no talent in this area but the process is relaxing. Here are my daubing’s;

They do not have tittles; I have no idea what they represent other than my need to push paint around and think of nothing else. I pack away my materials and return to the house. I go for a nap and take more paracetamol. A friend calls and chats for a while before I go back downstairs and watch football, eat tea, watch Ridley and then draft the blog. I have no energy at all, I am spoonless and go to my bed full of meds, more paracetamol and hoping for a night of deep sleep.

Tomorrow will be better