Saturday and a lazy start made good by a bacon sandwich. Watched the king proclamations and observed the pageantry. I have to say we do the ceremony stuff really well. Having had my fill of this historic moment my partner and I go food shopping. Our usual fruit adn veg guy at the harden centre was chirpy and chatty as usual. He confided with us that he had no cauliflowers as they were charging £3 a cauli at the market. He thought outrageous and knew no one would pay that kind of money for their veg. We of course agreed and concurred with his outrage. Back home we unloaded the bags and headed off to the alternative garden centre fondly know to us as “Hagrid’s”. There was very little available on the shelves when we wandered around looking for possible additions to our garden for next year. In the end we buy to bags of daffodil bulbs and head home.

Lunch is very welcome and I settle down to watch the first rugby match of the season. My team Leicester Tigers, last years champions manage to lose the game to a last second try. It could be a difficult season. I meander towards tea and a lazy evening content to be resting. Tomorrow starts my prophylactic paracetamol regime before Monday’s injection. On these weekends I am not well motivated to train, and I am content to try and restart yet again on Monday to get back to an exercise regime. So, for now it’s night meds and bed.
