Sunday, sleepy Sunday and I eventually get up, write my journal and make hot drinks. I return to bed and read for a while before I and my partner get up for breakfast. Food and morning meds is the next event followed by preparation to go to the beach. We set off down the beach and watch the body boarders and surfers. At the far end of the beach we decide to test out the new wind break and I set to and erect our new blue wind shelter. We settle in and watch the sea and read.

Base camp it pitched. In the distance our apartment.
The view from our shelter

We sit and read until we are both hungry, another day we will bring a picnic. We wander back towards our apartment admiring others sandcastle efforts.

We make it back to the steps to our residential area and work the magic on the electronic gate.

We get back to our apartment and have a late lunch. We sink into watching the final throws of the European games. Gratifyingly the Brits seems to be doing very well across the board. Late afternoon becomes evening and the final throw of the athletics plays out. Night will fall as we eat, retire to read and await what tomorrow brings. Croyde is our oyster and tomorrow we will explore.

Everyday a small victory