Wednesday and its car service day so its up early and a quick coffee. I drive to the garage following my partner who gives me a lift back. I make breakfast and watch more European athletics, diving and climbing. My injection site remains sore and the insistent nagging discomfort makes maintaining motivation to be active difficult. The morning goes by until my partner makes us lunch and then she goes off to see her mother. Rather than sit around and wait to collect the car I decide to train. It needs to be an hour so I get myself ready and go to the garage. I set the rower to my usual resistance and get going. Its a good hour and I manage to get over the 14 kilometre mark and burn more than 900 calories. This is a good session, mind you a year ago I set a personal best of over 15 kilometres and burnt over 1000 calories, which goes to show how much more fitness I have to regain.

I get out of my kit and check the garage closing time and start to draft the blog. My partner gets caught up in traffic so does not get back in time to get to the garage to collect my car, so its a chore that gets pushed in to tomorrow morning. The evening meal follows against the background of European athletics and Shetland. I feed the hedgehog and clean the feeding station, which prompts me to order more food to sustain the hog while I am away. I finish the drafting of the blog and then prepare for tomorrow. A growing list of chores before holiday is developing and I need to train at some point and I have letters to write. The evening will end as ever with me taking my meds and hoping for a good nights sleep.