Tuesday and I wake up in the spare room after a crap nights sleep, its day 2 of jab time so I wake up very sore and this morning I feel very “woolly”. I get coffee and a peanut bagel for breakfast and then stare into space for a while. I decide I need to do something so I decide to give the ancestor’s spirit house its annual coat of protective stain. So I gather up my materials and get out to the house. It sits to the side of the porch and contains three figures. This came from seeing all the houses in Thailand with their ancestor houses. For them it is where their ancestors spirits live and where they honour their ancestors.

Within the house a set of three monks live and they get an annual clean and replacement in the house.

Once the house is repainted and dry the boys are returned home.

The boys back home

I put things away and then I go to the Shed and settle down to send messages to friends and to write a letter. Lunch is chicken soup on the patio and a chat with my partner as we chat about preparations for going on holiday on Friday. I wander over to the post box still feeling very sore but a little less woolly. On my return I look for something else to occupy me, a diversion, so I set about throwing the remnants of my professional life away. All those folders from conferences, CPD events and training courses attended and delivered need to go. I dig out the bags and go through them and retain only the actual qualification certificates and attendance acknowledgements. After a lot of ripping and tearing I have things sorted into piles. I load the remnants of my professional life into the recycle bin and squirrel away the certificates and recycled folders. Its all part of the transition and letting go of the past, not easy but necessary if I am not to waste my time and to get on with my life. Only the people will remain, which is as it should be.

That’s a pile of life admin sorted.

Its late afternoon and I decide that feeling crap or not I need to train. I change into my kit and go to the garage. I’m feeling defiant and up the resistance level a notch. I do thirty minutes at the increased level and still manage over 6000 meters and burn in excess of 400 calories. One thing the greater resistance produces is a higher heart rate so its a good workout.

The session gets recorded and then I start the blog draft until tea time. My evening may have live football in it but it will also have athletics in it. Hopefully this will be the last day I will need to take paracetamol before bed. Tomorrow is a practical day as the car is being serviced so I need to wake up feeling chipper.

Sometimes all you can do is howl and then go on.