Sunday, its hot again and its only about 9 o’clock. On getting up I weigh myself, the weekly ritual by which I measure my progress in the battle with my weight. I weigh in at 96.8 kilos. A slight reduction, which I think reflects the less vigorous exercise regime I am doing. The inclusion of swimming is good in terms of widening the form of exercise but it is less calorie burning, or it is at the moment the way I am currently swimming it is. I make my partner a drink and take it up to her. No one feels much like eating so its a simple bagel breakfast and then we all go our ways to spend a Sunday resting. I sit on the patio and read the end of Finn Family Moomintroll and on completion I read The Exploits of Moominpapa. Apart from a brief lunch of ham sandwich I continue to read. I do root around in the shed to get the sun lounger out so my partner can laze and snooze in the afternoon sun.

Apart from a bit of Shed tidying and compost management the afternoon is all reading. The evening comes around and the evening meal accompanied by the first prophylactic paracetamol dose for tomorrows monthly injection. I clear the kitchen, clear the washing from the garden, feed the hedgehog, put the sun lounger away in the shed and fold away the sun shade on the patio whilst clearing the area as the weather forecast is saying it is going to rain tomorrow and there is a weather warning issued based on the likelihood of thunderstorms in the next 48 hours. I watch Van Der Valk and draft the blog feeling terse and irritable in anticipation of tomorrows injection. Its the tricky end of the cycle especially when the jab is on the right side. In my head that is where I can feel carrying my cancerous prostate. Illusion or accurate perception, I am not sure, but the fact is the right side injection is always the one which creates the most inflammation and discomfort. Hence my pre injection tightness. So I shall end the evening with meds, more paracetamol and with a bit of luck sometime to myself. Tomorrows challenge is to train.

A safe place to rest.