Monday, MOT day so up bright and early, so early I have time to read a bit before showering, breakfasting and driving in convoy with my partner to the garage, Before we set off I have time to order my next lot of meds as next Monday is jab day. It comes around so quickly. We leave my partners car and return home to await the outcome. The rest of my morning is spent dead heading a lot of the garden, its almost like Autumn, so much dead and wilting. I take the loppers to the fir tree by the house and cut away the branches that are too close to the kitchen window. Finding a space to store the debris before it can be sent to the tip is a bit of a challenge. I realise I might have created another hedgehog habitat. I walk to the village shop and buy a paper and return to the Shed to do the puzzles before lunch on the patio with my partner.

Whilst quietly munching my sandwich and reading The Expectation Effect I get a call from Hammersmith Hospital who are trying to contact my sister. They tell me they are sending her an appointment letter but cannot reach her by phone. I tell them I will ring and send an email. I return to The Expectation Effect for a while and then go inside to ring my sister and to send her an email. Having done that I ring my builder and leave a message about my floor. All I can do now is wait for him to come back to me. The garage tells me the car is ready to collect. I’m hoping that is good news. I take some time to draft the blog until my partner is free from meetings and we can collect the car. My car is left for its MOT tomorrow, I’m not so confident about my car as it needs a service.

We return home happy that my partners car has passed it’s MOT. I decide to train before Tesco deliver. I get changed and go to the garage, get on the rower and set myself for a 30 minute row. Its a tough session as the first one of a new week is, but it goes okay.

Not a bad session for first of the week.

The weather is hot and I feel the exertion of the session, so its a quick drink and a change of clothes. Right on the hour Tesco deliver so there is a few frantic minutes of unloading and putting away and then its time to relax. I draft more of the blog and then settle down to tea and an evening of the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games and some reading. My last task of the day is to feed the hedgehog.

If you go down to the sea today…