Friday and I get up for breakfast feeling in “to do” list mode. No sooner than I have finished breakfast than a friend rings on her way to Reiki. We chat about the coming weeks and the school holidays and how that is planned to go. Our conversation comes to an end as my friend reaches her destination and I set about my life admin to do list. It’s one of those lists that is all about paying ones way. Top of the list was settling my bill with the tax man for this years interim payment. This was a straight forward transaction through my bank and then it was onto the car tax. This too was easy via the website. Next came the RAC membership. My quote to renew appeared way to high so I got a quite from Green Flag. I was dumbstruck by the difference. I ring the RAC and tell them that I can get the same deal from Green Flag at a small fraction of their quote and that I am considering switching. I get put through to a person who tries to explain why my premium would be so high, apparently I am on an old contract but I can have a new that does the same at over £165 less. I go for that as it means both I and my partner are covered for any car. I am pleased with my mornings work. My partner actually goes out to her work place and I hang my washing out and tidy the house before lunch. I notice there are some new things in the garden, some new lilies have come out and for some strange reason corn appears to be growing in one of the flower beds.

My afternoon sees me in the Shed writing letters with my new feather pen, which is interrupted by the arrival of my youngest daughter. We sit on the swing seat and chat about how things are and catch up on each others news. She shares her Glastonbury pictures and I share our holiday experience. We are just about through our coffee when my partner returns. I leave them to chat and return to the Shed to finish my letters and then pop across to the post box. By the time I have returned and fed the hedgehog my eldest daughter has returned from work. We sit and chat, I get my washing in, and we decide on an Indian take away for our tea. So in due course I have the pleasure of sitting round the table with my nuclear family and having a meal.

The evening is full of women’s football, chocolate provided by my youngest and then catching up with drafting the blog. I’m itchy inside, that itchiness that comes with a sense of disappointment in the self, the self that has found a way of not training today.

Can the wind be still for this long?
Building continues today and the next for ever.