Wednesday and I am up early as I can not get back to sleep. I do my usual email and message check as I sit with my first coffee of the day. Perhaps time to write the postcards. It is indeed and for a while I pen thoughts from Westwood Ho! to friends and family. By about 9 o’clock my partner rouses after a disrupted night so I make drinks and marmalade toast to get us both going for the morning. I have a bath and for the first time for a few days listen to the radio as I soak.

First activity of the day is to post the the cards and get a paper. This we do noting as we do that today its cloudy and the breeze is quite cool. We decide to slob for a bit doing puzzles and reading. I have had to resort to my Kindle and find myself starting to re-read In Search of Lost Time, Proust’s five volume life’s work. By lunch time phase two of the plan comes into operation, we head for the chippy. There is nothing like fish and chips by the seaside. We order, we wait, we collect and then walk the few steps back to the apartment to sit and enjoy our box of treats. It is delicious and a real holiday treat.

Joy in a box

There is feast and there is then the rest afterwards. We laze and do nothing but enjoy the after glow of holiday food. eventually we rouse ourselves and prepare for our daily beach walk. Fully creamed and with back pack full of towel with head off down the beach. My legs, specifically my calfs are aching from all the sand walking that is being done but I know that it is good for me. Westwood Ho! beach is long and flat with surprisingly few people on it. We paddle along the waters edge for miles before we retrace our steps as the tide comes in.

Miles of empty beach and time to walk and reflect.

We get to the slip way just as the sea starts to lap up against it, excellent timing. We dry our feet, put on our shoes and head to our favourite ice cream van on the green. Its a pleasure to sit for a while as we eat out 99s watching the sea come in and the streams of people going about their holiday fun. Post 99s we go and shop for strawberries but there are none. My partner asks a guy stacking the shelves if there are any. He goes to look adn returns with a whole tray of punnets. We are very happy. Back at the apartment we change into lazing gear and potter for a while until we feel the call of coffee and a fat rascal. I eat mine as I watch the women’s European football. Between the end of one game and the start of the next I start to draft the blog. I realise this is not exciting but to have a holiday where I and my partner are feeling relatively well and enjoying the weather and the location to the extent that we can do nothing and feel good about it has not happened for a while.

This evening will be more football and a “nibbley” late tea before a relatively early night. Tomorrow come what may we will be having our beach day complete with chairs, books and treats.