Saturday and its the first full day of Holiday! Its sunny, again. I wake early and curl up on the sofa and read The Appeal for hours. My partner joins me and we pop to the shop for a paper and some strawberries so we can breakfast continentally on croissants, strawberries and yoghurt. We both settle down with our books and continue to read. By lunchtime I have finished The Appeal. A book with an intriguing format and an interesting mixture of social dynamics and medico/psychological conditions. It was a fun to read, a bit predictable if you apply the rule of disbelieving what must be true, but entertaining. It got me thinking if I could write one, after all I’ve known and worked with hundreds of murderers and life is always much stranger than fiction. Perhaps when I have done other projects.

We lunch on ham sandwiches and then go for a stroll towards the “haunted house” on the cliff edge at the far end of the resort. We move on to the field overlooking the bay and sit quietly on a bench watching the sea. A gentle stroll back brings us to the surfing shop where my partner buys a new cap. We meander back via a closed bakery back to the apartment and continue to read. I fall asleep and before I know it seven o’clock has rolled round. It seems the men’s doubles at Wimbledon has been on for ever and as I draft this blog they are only into the fourth set. The evening will provide another glorious sunset and time to read or explore TV. The weather forecast suggests more sun tomorrow, it must be a heat wave!

Lundy Island full of Puffins and Pixies.