Friday the 1st of July. Where did June go, all that being ill seems to have gobbled up the month of June. I wake very sluggish and my body is letting me know what it thinks about my resumption of training, I ache, that good kind of “I’m training well ” ache. So I get up tentatively and make myself a muesli breakfast and coffee. My partner and I talk about my birthday present but she is unable to get one delivered from her source so I get into my source and order one for myself. There will be money changing hands at some point when it eventually arrives. A friend calls on her way to Reiki. We chat about family, activities, holidays and the nature of friendship and how that can manifest itself in both good and not so good ways. I say farewell as she arrives at her session. I also get a voice message from another friend who is slightly under the weather. So having had an unexpected lovely time chatting a set about my chores, clearing the kitchen, sorting out the laundry and preparing for the arrival of my youngest daughter and partner tomorrow. Coffee and a first draft of todays blog comes next.

I feed the hedgehog and stow the newly delivered hedgehog food, before my partner and I dash to the village library before it closes at noon to buy programmes for the village heritage weekend. Apparently one programme gets two people admission to the venues. There is an exciting timetable of shows, including the Tiger Moth display the librarian alerted us to.

My partner returns to work in the office and I head to the village shop to get milk and a paper. My friend calls again post Reiki session sounding relaxed and more invigorated. We chat for a while before she returns home to prepare and sip a lemon/honey brew. I get the shopping and then return home to have a lunch of tomato soup whilst watching Wimbledon. I wait for my partner to return from her massage session and then I get myself organised to go out. I load up the old printer and a bag of unrequired tins and drive off to the recycling centre. I dump the printer at the centre and move on to the jewellers, who had rung me earlier, and pick up my repaired gold ring. Its good to get it back despite the repair necessitating the removal of the internal marking. It is now whole and re-polished so I shall remember to take it off every time before I train in future as I am pretty sure that is what caused the damage.

My ring is finally back with me.

I move on to Sainsburys and leave my bag of unneeded food cans. I never did like Spam and prunes. I look for a cash book as I’ve decided to keep a cash book for a while as I transition from independent practitioner to properly retired person. Sainsburys do not have one so I am forced to order one from Amazon. I get enough cash out of the machine to see me through and drive home intending to train. When I do I find it is later than I thought. My intention to train is over ridden by my fatigue. I become over come with tiredness, I guess am still recovering from the after effects of COVID. I resort to the sofa, drafting the blog, Wimbledon, NCIS and then after tea a bath. My evening is going to be quiet and contain zero cognitive effort.

I do believe its slowly coming together