Thursday and I wake to sunshine across Windermere. We get up and go to breakfast. I cannot face anymore fried stuff so stick to fruit and toast washed down with a jug of coffee. As the sun is shining we head for the boats on the lake and head for Ambleside. The boat is a slow relaxing way to travel to the northern end of the lake. Once alighted there is a walk to be had to get to Ambleside itself. We plod along until we get to a café and we have a chance to get a coffee and a bite to eat. I like holidays as I get to eat odd things that I normally do not think of, so this was an opportunity to indulge in a strawberry milkshake. We mosey around the town and take some pictures.

Having sated our curiosity for Ambleside we slowly walk back to the pier to get the ferry back. Was laze and watch the lake and the various activities going on.

The ferry arrives and we hop on board and relax on the journey back. Having got land side again I buy some more postcards before we head to a little bar which serves us a cream team. Again we laze before wandering back to the hotel. I have a panic as I am convinced I have lost my wallet, in reality it was sitting in a draw by bedside. Back in the hotel its time for a nap.

I wake from my nap and begin to draft the blog. Over the last couple of days my back has been aching and my gut has been off. Its uncomfortable and of course raised all my old fears of a Jamaica repeat or a reoccurrence of my kidney infection, or worse. However the restaurant table has been booked in town so I get ready and my partner and I walk into Bowness. We get seated in the restaurant and are pleased to find it is a proper Italian restaurant. You can tell this by the amount of arm waving and gesticulation that goes on. They also serve thin based pizzas not the revolting stuff crusted affairs that we (the Americans) have plagued us with. I choose the traditional multi bean soup to start and what a good choice it is. Delicious is the adjective to describe the soup. Its followed by penne al forno, again delicious but huge, I am out faced and can only wash it down with coffee and a free limoncello. As my partner and I eat our way through this lovely meal it starts to rain, hard, very hard, so that by the time we leave the pavements are literally flowing streams. We walk back skipping over rivulets and finally make the haven of our hotel room where we immediately divest ourselves of our clothes and rest and relax to let the food digest. A good meal it was indeed. I continue to draft the blog.

At this point I am utterly spoon less and know that I shall half heartedly potter for a while and then get snared by sleep. I’ve not kept my food diary and not written anything in my holiday journal, where has the energy gone? It feels as if am just getting by at the moment until I feel well again. Activity is the key and I’ve never had trouble with that before at the moment it is an up hill battle to get myself kinetic. Tomorrow is perhaps a good day to go for a swim in the hotel pool. My relatively new drugs continue to give me interrupted nights but the worst of all things is the continuing hot flushes. I had hoped they might die away but they haven’t and act as a constant reminder that cancer never takes a day off and as a consequence neither should I. Its just hard at the moment to fight for the first step.

When there is rain look for rainbows