Sunday so no rush to get up, when we do its bacon sandwiches for breakfast and an hour long face time with our youngest daughter. I get the suitcases out that we are going to use from tomorrow and begin to pack, however I pop a few ice hockey shirts in to wash while I’m doing that. I am so irritated by the ancient vegetable rack in the utility area that I order a new one. I settle down to watch the bronze medal match at the world ice hockey championships. An interesting game but in the end the Czech republic run out comfortable winners over the USA. I do some more packing and then take the car to the garage to check the tyres, stopping on the way back to pick up some cash.

Once home again its time to give my eldest daughter a tutorial on feeding the hedgehog as that kindness will fall to her over the next week. It goes well, I think basically she is a natural. I download the garden camera and save the new pictures of the hedgehog and then return it to the garden. Time now to watch the ice hockey final, Canada v Finland. A rocking match, which is played at incredible speed and huge physicality. No score first period. Second period Canada goes 1 – 0 up. Third and final period the referees make a terrible decision which results in Finland getting two goals. Canada come back and draw it up to 3-3 with a minute to go. It goes to overtime. Its exciting. Finland nick it with an overtime goal.

So the rest of the evening is sorting out a Tesco deliver and finishing my packing. It will be an early night as there is a three hour plus drive to do tomorrow and all the excitement of checking into a new hotel and settling in. With luck I will get to look out over the water of Windermere before I sleep that night.

See the source image
To look out over water